Handbag/Man Bag
Main Bag
Toiletries Bag
Sunglasses, normal glasses if you wear them
purse, wallet
phone, charger and headphones
Book, kindle and charger.
2-3 leggings/shorts/sweatpants - Alo Yoga have everything a yogi dreams of here
2-3 sports bras
2-3 yoga tops
the yoga mats/blocks/blankets/bolsters are provided on our retreat but you're always welcome to bring your own! Lululemon 5mm reversible is my recommendation!
yoga towel, if you like lying this over your mat you might want to bring?
undies, bra, socks (extra undies for after swimming)
bag for dirty clothes
2 pants, shorts, skirts
2 casual tops
1 casual jumper
1 pair of sandals
1 pair of sneakers - lighthouse walk is stunning
face wash
moisturiser/serums - If you need an Aesop top-up click here
makeup if thats your jam!
toothbrush and paste
Sanitary items - moon cup/tampons/pads
any personal medication
ear plugs if you're sharing a room with a snorer